Why WordPress Should be Your Priority

One of the best platforms available for blogging today is known as WordPress. You can choose whatever hosting provider you want and then simply install the WordPress software that hardly takes a few minutes online. Custom domain of your own can be chosen and there is no need to use a sub domain either. The plugins WordPress has gives a good edge over other platforms and this is the main advantage of using WordPress as well.

Depending on your website’s needs, you can customize the plugins. Some of these popular plugins include all in one SEO, Akismet, Robots Meta, and some others. Along with having a high anti spam protection, WordPress gives you a good administration and customization base.

The ability of having categories is another big reason why WordPress should be your priority. You can easily and very efficiently sort out your posts. Your topics stay well managed this way. When it comes to social networking, the platform of WordPress is the best tool for this. You can easily establish links leading to your site and can a lot more exposure in a short period of time. These are the biggest and most highlighted reasons one should consider using WordPress.

The reasons do not just end here; you also get a feature known as ping back that is another big benefit. This way your website is able to keep a track of URLs gaining more links outbound making your SEO efforts more effective and successful. The source code of WordPress is written in PHP; this connects to MySQL database.

This can be easily installed as basic web form taking a few minutes. There is a default template that is set when you get WordPress; it is too simple and does not carry any plugins in it.

Now installing the plugins does not require too much time either; the process is fast and no programming knowledge is required to do so. Through the search directory you can search and get a hold of several plugins; these are written by developers already and are ready for you to use. In order to make the search easier; these plugins are categorized such as widgets, side bar, comments, admin, etc.

Through WordPress you can get an entirely different and unique style just with a simple mouse click. WordPress makes it real quick and easy for you to build your website.

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