Archive for the "Alternative" Category

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Acid Reflux and the Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar

Snow white slowly took a small bite of the apple and she fell to the ground losing consciousness. Most children, and even the adults, are familiar with this fairy tale story. It is in fact just a tale, but in real life, the apple can make wonders. In reality, many people suffer from many diseases; […]

The Relationship Between Asthma and Acid Reflux

The environment that people live in today’s world is very much different from the environment hundreds of years ago. At present, you can see many places being abused by man, and pollution is just about everywhere. Perhaps it is due to this polluted environment that many people get sick. Although one may not like it, […]

Be Aware of Acid Reflux by Learning its Symptoms

Every day, the digestive system is always being used due to regular food and liquid intake. When food and drinks are induced, it goes through a passage called the esophagus that helps breakdown the food. When food reaches its destination or the stomach, acid and pepsin is released to help aid in the process of […]

Symptoms and Natural Cure for Acid Reflux

How would a person know if he or she has acid reflux? How does acid reflux feel like? It is a burning sensation that affects the upper abdomen after a heavy meal when a person is already relaxing. Later, the pain goes up to the breastbone and to the chest. From this discomfort, it can […]

Sore Throat Set off by Acid Reflux

Acid reflux refers to the condition in which the partially digested food containing digestive juices travels back into the esophagus from the mouth. To describe the mechanical layout of this disease, our digestive system has a circular band of muscle called lower esophageal sphincter. This muscle splits the stomach from the esophagus. When the food […]

The Two Most Common Acid Reflux Surgery with Quick Recovery

Did you know that unhealthy eating habits can cause acid reflux? Based on scientific research, anyone, even infants and young children have a tendency to have acid reflux. This disorder is most common in infants and young children but in time, disappears. Acid reflux known also as gastro-esophageal reflux disease can definitely affect adults too. […]

Using Acid Reflux Medicine to Get Rid of the Annoying Heartburns

Alcohol lovers would often love to match their drink with spicy dishes and greasy and fatty foods. The perfect combination makes the drinking perfect to the palate. Unfortunately though, this is bad for the esophagus and the stomach. The alcohol, the spicy dishes and the greasy and fatty foods causes acid reflux or also known […]

How acid reflux disease could be diagnosed and treated among infants

Do you find a hard time feeding your infant because of persistent spitting and vomiting? Don’t just take it for granted. It could be a gastro esophageal reflux and it needs proper attention before it severely affects the health of your baby. Worse, acid reflux disease can lead to malnutrition and poor growth. Infant acid […]

Acid Reflux in Baby: Keeping Your Baby Protected

Acid reflux, which is also termed as gastroesophageal reflux, is one of the most frequent problems among infants. Babies with acid reflux often suffer from a range of conditions, from a mild degree to a severe one, such as recurrent spitting up, abdominal pain, and night waking. This discussion would be more comprehensive with the […]

Acid Reflux Medication: Keeping Heartburn at Bay

In a normal digestive process, the partially digested food is being forwarded by muscular movements from the stomach to the intestines. However, for some people, the stomach contents travel back to the esophagus from the stomach. This condition is known as acid reflux. Common symptoms of this disease include heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, regurgitation, chest […]