Why is WordPress Blog Better Than Blogger

To all Blogger die-hard fans, I’m truly sorry to say this but the truth must be known and the battle must be
fought. Two contenders and only one winner. I hereby proudly present to you,
the unbiased and completely no-holds barred features overview of the two most
well-known blog hosts in the world of blogospheres. Both of them has been
providing free blog hosting services to the blogging community for years and as
of today with their unique offers, have stand tall and firm in the weblog

The features are what attract us the most when deciding which blog host to
choose from and because of this, it is critical that we dig up the dirt on the
features offered by these two giants. Thus, without much further delays, let’s the fight begin!

Principles of Projects –
WordPress is such a cool web host where it utilizes open source project as compared to Blogger which is owned by Google. It is nothing much to shout about to the average online community but to the
smart blogging community, it could make a world of difference.

Free and Customizable –
As we all know, both of them provide free blogging services and the ability to
create as many blogs as you wish. And if you still hunger for more advanced
tools to tweak your blog, you can choose to pay the upgrade which is totally

Complexity and Speed of Creating Blog –
In terms of complexity of starting up a blog, WordPresshas only 2 steps which merely need seconds to complete the whole process
whereasBlogger, has 3 major steps and required much longer time in comparison. With the ease
of starting up a new blog in just a few steps and such short time,WordPress is impressive in this area.

Themes –
Themes help in giving your blog a unique look so you wouldn’t have to feel bored sticking to the same design over the years. Both WordPress and Bloggerhave abundant wonderful themes to choose from to suit the needs of even the
most demanding bloggers. In addition, you can also use CSS code to personalize
your blog. This allows them to be creative in their web design.

When compared, Bloggergives more control to its users through the access of coding which allow more
customization to be made whileWordPressrestrict its users from adding additional coding stuff. To make up for this
loss,WordPressallows users to switch themes instantly on the fly and as frequently as you
want to. With new themes constantly being created based on users’feedback, more and more great selections will be available providing hours of
fun in designing your blog!

Additional Features –
In terms of convenience, WordPresshas provided bloggers with text editor similar to Words and the ability to
Spell-Check. This reduces the time to create a post as blogger no longer need
to re-read the post to check for spelling mistake. One of the nifty features
introduced is the Autosave function which allows blogger to save his work in
case of any pc crashes or power failure. This definitely provides bloggers with
a peace of mind in case of something happened while creating a post. Also,
another common feature is thatWordPressalso has the option to upload photos and videos with additional Preview

Integrated Statistic System –
To make it easier to track your visitors, WordPresshas a built-in statistic system which shows the activities of your visitors on
your post. Through the information provided, blogger can self-evaluate his blog
and decide the content for his next post. Finally, user can also categorize
their post and add tags for easy retrieval later. On the other hand,Blogger lack these features.

Spam Protection –
As an added security, WordPressoffered Automatic Spam Protection, which is a reliable safety guard for the
published blog. AlthoughBlogger also has its own spam protection, however, as of current time of writing, WordPress’ spam protection seems to be better in its functionality according to users.

Tracking or Follow Up to Comments –
WordPressprovides notification in tracking back and follow up to any comments that blog
readers leave behind. This greatly enhanced the accessibility of the
conversation between the blogger and his readers.Blogger does not have such feature.

Importing –
Another excellent feature by WordPress is the ability to import existing blog hosted by other web hosts such as Blogger or MoveType to WordPress with ease. There is also a few import options to choose from. Again, Blogger lacks such feature.

Page Management –
In the page management department, WordPress wins hands down. Users of WordPress can create as many pages as they wish as part of their blog instead of
separately as inBlogger.

After a rundown of the great features provided by WordPress over Blogger, it is easy to decide which web host is suitable for you. A smart choice is a
wise choice!

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