Information products are in high demand on the internet and in particular on Ebay

Which makes you wonder whether it’s worthwhile selling information products on Ebay at all.

Many ebooks sell on Ebay for as little as 99 cents or $1.99 which is hardly going to make you a decent income as your Ebay fees and Paypal feels will eat up just about any of the small profit you make.

Some ebooks do sell for more and in fact some ebooks still sell on Ebay for $14.99 or even $29.95 and the people selling these ebooks usually sell quite a few of them and make very good money doing so.

So what makes the difference between a 99cent ebook and a $29.95 ebook?

If you have a good look at all the information product listings on Ebay, you will notice that most of the items are repeated. You will see quite a few sellers all selling the same item.

If you search a particular word or phrase, such as ‘making money with adsense, you will usually find quite a number of the same item being sold for a very low price.

People will sell these information products at such a low cost often just to raise their feedback. Selling for a low price will get you many sales as there are many people buying these low cost products to raise their own feedback, so both the seller and buyer are getting their feedback scores raised.

Sometimes information products are sold quite cheaply with the intention of then making money through the ebook itself. Some sellers will write their own ebooks and include affiliate links within the Ebook, so they can afford to sell for a low cost and get lots of sales, and then they are making more money on the backend products through their affiliate links.

Let’s get back to the $14.99 and $29.95 products. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘you get what you pay for’, well it’s just as true with information products as with anything else.

The cheaper products are usually products that have been around for a long time, often outdated and often not supplying you with any quality information. Sellers buy these products cheap with resell rights, and then resell them themselves.

With the more expensive products, you will usually be buying a better quality product. Quite often the seller is the author of the product and has put a lot of effort into their product. If their product is a very good product and they are a good genuine seller, they will even give you good customer support once you have purchased the item.

These more expensive products will usually not have any resell rights being sold with them as the author will usually want to keep the rights to themselves and not have their product become another product with hundreds of sellers selling it.

These are definitely the better products to purchase if you are after some good information. Likewise, if you are wanting to sell information products, the best option is to look at writing your own information product with very good, valuable information and sell it at a good price.

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