Archive for the "Self Improvement" Category


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Writing and Selling an Ebook

Writing and selling an ebook can be a daunting process for someone who has never done it successfully. Thankfully, several internet marketers have completed the task, and they know exactly what it takes to make an online product successful. There are a few tips you should consider when attempting to earn money by creating your […]

10 indicators of a good mentor

Life is rich with challenges and triumphs. No matter how much we grow and change, it is part of human development to require and look for those who have come before us and serve as good examples. In business we seek mentors. Just as with everything in life, we need to make the right decisions […]

Why Change Is A Necessary Part Of Life

Whether we accept it or not, we all go through periods of change at some point. Sometimes, we get so accustomed to things being one particular way that we feel worried and scared when things change. We only want certain things to be different, and other things we are hesitant to see change. For example, […]

How to Avoid Regretting the Past By Using the Universal Laws!

As we travel through this lifetime, it can often feel as though our lives are strewn with regret. We worry about the things that we did, or the things that we did not do, we think that we are disappointing ourselves or not living up to our full potential. We cannot let go of the […]

What are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition. The most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue. Although these symptoms are the most common in fibromyalgia there are many other symptoms that mirror other disorders which makes diagnosing this disease difficult. Fibromyalgia is classified as a form of arthritis. However, unlike arthritis, this […]

What is Stress & What Causes Stress

No one enjoys dealing with a great deal of stress. Yet, this is exactly what many of us have to face simply because that is the way life is. While most of us experience stress to one degree or another, there are questions that arise regarding what exactly is stress and why does it occur? […]

Understanding How Emotions Drive Behavior

It is very important to understand how emotions drive behavior. You think of something that happened to you in the past. If it was something that hurt or frightened you it may cause you to react negatively to any situation that reminds you of that incident. Conversely, if it was a happy memory, you will […]

How Stress Affects Our Relationships

Because of our fast paced lives, it is easy to allow stress to take over our daily activities. Many times, we become so preoccupied with stress that we don’t realize the toll it is taking on our relationships. Once we add stress to a normal situation, it is easy to feel that we are being […]

The Role Stress Plays In Causing Anxiety

There is a close connection between anxiety and stress. Anxiety is basically a feeling of being keyed up and on edge. It can include nervousness and shakiness, and some people even suffer from anxiety attacks, which is the process of becoming overwhelmed, overly nervous, shaky, dizzy, short of breath, etc. What many do not know […]

In life, self-esteem plays a significant role in how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us

Some may say they are not interested in the causes of low self-esteem. Rather, they just want to take the steps needed to reverse the impact of it. Really, you cannot have one without the other. That is to say, the secret to dealing with the current problems associated with low self-esteem centers on defining […]